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Fall Leadership Conference

The Fall CACE Leadership Conference hosts nationally recognized speakers, along with opportunities for networking and professional development designed for Title I Directors and others in a Leadership role.

The CACE Leadership Conference Homepage and agenda can be found here: CACE 2024 Conference

It is with great excitement that we open registration for our 2024 Annual CACE Leadership Conference, December 4th-6th!! This year, we have some incredible speakers including Graham Fletcher, Maureen Chapman, Dr. Almitra Berry and Pam Allyn who will join us at the beautiful Chatham Bars Inn in Chatham. We know this will be an incredible event and look forward to learning with you.

When you register, please be sure to fill out the form carefully. You will receive an email confirmation once you have been registered. Please note – Purchase Orders, Payments, and Personal Checks may be remitted to: Council of Administrators of Compensatory Education, PO Box 4110034, Cambridge, MA, 02141.

**We will continue to cap registrations to four (4) per district. This is to allow the maximum number of districts possible to be represented at the conference. If there is room, we will open up the conference to additional district attendees.**

Hotel reservations are not included in your registration. To make a reservation, please contact the Chatham Bars Inn and mention “CACE Conference” when booking a room. Rooms are available at a discounted rate of $165/night. Only registered attendees will be able to make reservations under the group rate. 

Please register early as we anticipate a full conference once again this year! We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Corinne Brems & Jen O’Neill
2024 Conference Co-Chairs